Professor / Ph.D. in Design
Vice-President of KSDS(Korean Society of Design Science)
Editorial Board member of ADR(Archives of Design Research)
Editorial Board member of SDC(Society of Design Convergence)
Research Area: Product-Service System Desidn, Interaction Design, Design Research, Design Methodology
Office: #303, Chohyong-kwan / Phone: +82-2-910-4601
Bachelor of Arts, Dept. of Industrial Design, SNU(Seoul National University)
Ph.D./Master in Production Design, Graduate School of Art, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Dept. of Design, INJE University (2005. 3 - 2013. 2)
Design Center, Daewoo Electronics Inc. (1995. 1 - 1999. 3)
Industry Project
Design Proposal for New Computing (Samsung, 2020. 9 - 11)
OLED TV Design (LG Display, 2020. 5 - 7)
Study of Intelligent Interaction Design based on Human-AI Relationships Framework (Korean NRF, 2019. 7 - 2022. 6)
Behavior-based service design education program development and progress (KIDP, 2017. 12)
Proposla of Smart Appcessory (Samsung, 2017. 7 - 9)
Self-driving life robot proposal (LG, 2017. 3 - 5)
Design thinking and design methodology research for design startup(Korean NRF, 2016. 11 - 2018. 10)
An Exploratory Experiment on the Possibility of AI-Powered Logo Design Tool (Design Convergence Study, 2021 April)
Finding Conflicts and Interaction Issues between Smart-Home Multi-Users According to Household Type (Design Convergence Study, 2020 Dec)
The Exploratory Study on the Factor about User's Personal Taste Information that the Conversational Artificial Intelligence Service should Remember (Journal of Industrial Design Studies, 2020 Dec)
Categorization of Interaction Factors through Analysis of AI Agent Using Scenarios (Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 2020 Nov)
A Study on The Factors Affecting The Intention of Using the Personalized Location-based Intelligent Personal Assistant (Journal of Communication Design, 2020 Oct)
Suitable for Smart Home users' situations Explore the design of a multi-modal interface (Journal of Communication Design, 2020 Oct)
A Proposal of AI Service Scenarios for the Development of AI Service Agents in the Near Future Public Space ; Based on AI Service Agent Types (Journal of Industrial Design Studies, 2020 June)
A Proposal of the Smart Hubs Scenarios of Smart Home Users in the Near Future Based on the Use Patterns (Journal of Integrated Design Research, 2019 Sep)
Finding Issues of Multi-user Interaction at Smart-Home and Design Solutions of the issues -Focused on Control Authority (Journal of Integrated Design Research, 2019 Sep)
A Case Study of AI-Driven Generative Logo Design - Compared with the Traditional Logo Design Production (Journal of Korea Design Forum, 2019 May)
A study on public bike of kiosk, bike terminal for improving usability UI design (Design Convergence Study, 2017 Dec)
A Study of Dysfunctional Customer’s Personality Information for Proposing ‘Evil Persona’ (Design Convergence Study, 2017 Dec)
Suggestion on Format of Stakeholder Map for Product-Service System According to Business Classification (Design Convergence Study, 2017 Oct)
A Study on the Classification of Role-playing as a Design Method and Its Utilization (Design Convergence Study, 2017 June)
Suggestion on Modified Models of Service Blueprint for Product-Service System (Design Convergence Study, 2018 June)
A Study of Negative Interaction Between Customers for Proposing `Evil Persona` (Design Convergence Study, 2017 April)
Problems on Survey sheet of Industrial Design Statistics Survey through Time sequential analysis and Respondent’s opinions (Journal of Industrial Design Studies, 2016 March)
Problems of the Industrial Design Statistics Survey and Its Improvement Directions (Journal of Industrial Design Studies, 2015 Dec)
Development of Instructional Model using Storytelling on Design Education and Verification of Its Educational Effects (Journal of Industrial Design Studies, 2015 Sep)
A Study on Generational Differences of Recognition about Application Icons in Various Meaning (Journal of Integrated Design Research, 2015 March)